About Us

Throughout the centuries, man/boy love has flourished around the globe. Over the past century a number of non-fiction books have been written about it, as well as fictional stories depicting it. Additionally, over the past several decades, numerous magazines concerning pederasty and boylove have been published.

The Boylove Library's aim is to collect these publications and archive them for all to read. It's not too surprising that so much written material of a scholarly nature has concerned itself with this subject. There is a vibrant and burgeoning field of research in this area. There are many works of literature and poetry celebrating boys and boyish-ness, and written by -- and about -- the men who love them (boylovers).

The purpose of this website is to provide a wide variety of media concerning pederasty and man/boy love to those so interested. We hope you find the content relatively comprehensive and the presentation well-organized and accessible. 

Thank you for visiting the Boylove Library!